The Crusaders Close out their season on 10/28 vs the Chicago Griffins. With kick off Scheduled for 12:30PM at the Metroparks Polo Fields. There will be several events following the game and upcoming through the Winter. You can check back here for updates as well as your email for event news.

10/28/23 – 3pm – The Old Angle – World Cup Viewing/ Final Game Social

-Who: Players as well as the Chicago Griffins, Supporters, Old Boys, any Fans of Rugby

-What: Watch Party for the world cup final. Some food and a Keg will be provided!

10/28/23 – 5pm – Halloween Party/End of Season Party

11/19/23 – 6:00 am – @ Muni Lot – Browns Tailgate vs Pittsburgh Steelers – Follow Social Media for exact Location – Breakfast, Lunch, and Drinks will be provided.

11/22 – Time 10:00 AM – Edgewater Beach Park – Turkey Touch

12/09/23 – Time TBD – @ Steel Yard – Cleveland Fire Department Toy Drive – Crusaders help collect Money and Toys for the Fire departments annual toy drive.

12/16/23 – Time 7pm – X-Golf Solon- Holiday Christmas Party – Food – Drink Specials, White Elephant, 3 Golf Sims Rented

End of December/Early January – Time TBD – Location TBD – Indoor Touch Tournament

January -Feburary – Time & Location TBD – Crusaders AGM